Algolia tools

These are quick tools I made, useful enough to remember, not useful enough to turn into company sanctioned ones.

These are all licensed under MIT, unless otherwise mentioned in their code.

# Algolia Request Explorer

The JS API client sends requests in a funky way which don't work well in browser devtools.

This is meant to use with the --data argument when you copy a POST request as curl

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# InstantSearch templates

There are so many templates we can use for InstantSearch, that it becomes almost impossible to find the right one to use quickly for support.

This is a quick site which uses the GitHub API to list all possible templates to use in CodeSandbox.

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# JSON explorer

Sometimes you want to quickly be able to toggle JSON open & closed per key, but many of the dependencies are too complex.

This is a sandbox with an implementation of a JSON explorer using details and ul/li

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# character explorer

Sometimes you need to check what characters a string is made out of. This tool will split the string in individual UCS-2 characters.

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