
// @flow
import {toFactory, stringIncludes} from './util.js';
import type {OptionsType} from './types.js';

const errors = {
  invalidInput: 'The Holmes input was no <input> or contenteditable.',
  optionsObject: `The options need to be given inside an object like this:

new Holmes({

see also`,
  findOption: `A find argument is needed. That should be a querySelectorAll for each of the items you want to match individually. You should have something like:

new Holmes({

see also`,
  noInput: `Your Holmes.input didn't match a querySelector`,
  impossiblePlaceholder: `The Holmes placeholder couldn't be put; the elements had no parent.`

 * Callback used for changes in item en list states.
 * @callback onChange
 * @param {object} [HTMLElement]
 *   Element affected by the event. This is the item found by
 *   <code>onVisible</code> and <code>onHidden</code> and the placeholder
 *   (or <code>undefined</code>) for <code>onEmpty</code> and
 *   <code>onFound</code>.
 * @memberOf holmes

 * Callback used for changes in input value
 * @callback onInput
 * @param {string} input The value that is currently in the search field
 * @memberOf holmes

 * @alias holmes
class Holmes {
  options: OptionsType;
  elements: NodeList<HTMLElement>;
  elementsArray: Array<HTMLElement>;
  elementsLength: number;
  hidden: number;
  input: HTMLElement;
  running: boolean;
  placeholderNode: HTMLElement;
  searchString: string;
  _regex: RegExp;
  search: () => any;

   * Search for dom elements on your page
   * For legacy reasons, this class is a <code>function</code>, and thus doesn't have a capital
   * You can fix this by using <code>var Holmes = holmes</code> before doing <code>new Holmes</code>.
   * @class holmes
   * @constructor
   * @param {string} [options.input='input[type=search]']
   *   A <code>querySelector</code> to find the <code>input</code>
   * @param {string} options.find
   *   A <code>querySelectorAll</code> rule to find each of the find terms
   * @param {string=} options.placeholder
   *   Text to show when there are no results (innerHTML)
   * @param {bool} [options.mark=false]
   *   Whether to <code>&lt;mark&gt;&lt;/mark&gt;</code> the matching text
   *   Text to show when there are no results (<code>innerHTML</code>)
   * @param {string} [options.class.visible=false]
   *   class to add to matched items
   * @param {string} [options.class.hidden='hidden']
   *   class to add to non-matched items
   * @param {boolean} [options.dynamic=false]
   *   Whether to query for the content of the elements on every input.
   *   If this is <code>false</code>, then only when initializing the script will
   *   fetch the content of the elements to search in. If this is <code>true</code>
   *   then it will refresh on every <code>input</code> event.
   * @param {boolean} [options.contenteditable=false]
   *   DEPRECATED (now handled automatically) whether the input is a contenteditable or
   *   not. By default it's assumed that it's <code>&lt;input&gt;</code>, <code>true</code> here
   *   will use <code>&lt;div contenteditable&gt;</code>
   * @param {boolean} [options.instant=false]
   *   DEPRECATED!!, after v1.13.3 use <code>holmes({}).start();</code> instead
   *   By default Holmes waits for the <code>DOMContentLoaded</code> event to fire
   *   before listening. This is to make sure that all content is available. However
   *   if you exactly know when all your content is available (ajax, your own event or
   *   other situations), you can put this option on <code>true</code>.
   * @param {number} [options.minCharacters=0] The minimum amount of characters to be typed before
   *   Holmes starts searching. Beware that this also counts when backspacing.
   * @param {boolean} [options.hiddenAttr=true]
   *   Adds <code>hidden="true"</code> to hidden elements. interesting
   *   <a href="">
   *   link</a> explaining its use.
   * @param {function} [shouldShow]
   *   A custom matching function to be called with as first argument the text of an element,
   *   and as second argument the current input text. This should return true if you want the
   *   element to show, and false if it needs to be hidden
   * @param {onChange} [options.onHidden]
   *   Callback for when an item is hidden.
   * @param {onChange} [options.onVisible]
   *   Callback for when an item is visible again.
   * @param {onChange} [options.onEmpty]
   *   Callback for when no items were found.
   * @param {onChange} [options.onFound]
   *   Callback for when items are found after being empty.
   * @param {onInput} [options.onInput]
   *   Callback for every input.
  constructor(options: OptionsType) {
    let empty: boolean = false;

    if (typeof options !== 'object') {
      throw new Error(errors.optionsObject);

    // If this.options.find is missing, the searching won't work so we'll thrown an exceptions
    if (typeof options.find !== 'string') {
      throw new Error(errors.findOption);

    const defaults = {
      input: 'input[type=search]',
      find: '',
      placeholder: undefined,
      mark: false,
      class: {
        visible: undefined,
        hidden: 'hidden'
      dynamic: false,
      minCharacters: 0,
      hiddenAttr: false,
      shouldShow: stringIncludes,
      onHidden: undefined,
      onVisible: undefined,
      onEmpty: undefined,
      onFound: undefined,
      onInput: undefined

     * @member options
     * @type {Object}
     * @memberOf holmes
    this.options = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
    this.options.class = Object.assign({}, defaults.class, options.class);

     * The amount of elements that are hidden
     * @member hidden
     * @type {Number}
     * @memberOf holmes
    this.hidden = 0;

     * The input element
     * @member input
     * @type {NodeList}
     * @memberOf holmes
     * All of the elements that are searched
     * @member elements
     * @type {NodeList}
     * @memberOf holmes
     * Placeholder element
     * @member placeholderNode
     * @type {Element}
     * @memberOf holmes
     * Is the current instance running
     * @member running
     * @memberOf holmes
     * @type {Boolean}
    this.running = false;

    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => this.start());

     * Execute a search, this can be used in combination with .setInput()
     * @function search
     * @memberOf holmes
     */ = () => {
      // Input has started to be listened to
      this.running = true;

      // By default the value isn't found
      let found: boolean = false;

       * Lowercase string holmes searches for
       * @member searchString
       * @memberOf holmes
       * @type {string}
      this.searchString = this.inputString();

      // If a minimum of characters is required
      // check if that limit has been reached
      if (this.options.minCharacters) {
        if (this.searchString.length !== 0) {
          if (this.options.minCharacters > this.searchString.length) {
            return undefined;

      // If the dynamic option is enabled, then we should query
      // for the contents of `elements` on every input
      if (this.options.dynamic) {
        this.elements = document.querySelectorAll(this.options.find);
        this.elementsLength = this.elements.length;
        this.elementsArray =;

      if (this.options.mark) {
         * Regex to remove <mark>
         * @member _regex
         * @memberOf holmes
         * @private
         * @type {RegExp}
        this._regex = new RegExp(`(${this.searchString})(?![^<]*>)`, 'gi');

      // Loop over all the elements
      this.elementsArray.forEach((element: HTMLElement) => {
        // If the current element doesn't contain the search string
        // add the hidden class and remove the visible class
        if (
        ) {

          if (empty && typeof this.options.onFound === 'function') {
          // The element is now found at least once
          found = true;
        } else {

      if (typeof this.options.onInput === 'function') {

      // No results were found and last time we checked it wasn't empty
      if (found) {
        if (this.options.placeholder) {
      } else {
        if (this.options.placeholder) {

        // Empty means that there are no results
        // if the situation isn't yet empty
        // so it's the first time seeing the placeholder
        // we'll emit the onEmpty function
        if (empty === false) {
          empty = true;
          if (typeof this.options.onEmpty === 'function') {

   * Hide an element
   * @function _hideElement
   * @param  {HTMLElement} element the element to hide
   * @memberOf holmes
   * @private
  _hideElement(element: HTMLElement) {
    if (this.options.class.visible) {
    if (!element.classList.contains(this.options.class.hidden)) {

      if (typeof this.options.onHidden === 'function') {
    if (this.options.hiddenAttr) {
      element.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
    if (this.options.mark) {
      element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?mark>/g, '');

   * Show an element
   * @function _showElement
   * @param  {HTMLElement} element the element to show
   * @memberOf holmes
   * @private
  _showElement(element: HTMLElement) {
    if (this.options.class.visible) {
    if (element.classList.contains(this.options.class.hidden)) {

      if (typeof this.options.onVisible === 'function') {
    if (this.options.hiddenAttr) {

    // If we need to mark it:
    // remove all <mark> tags
    // add new <mark> tags around the text
    if (this.options.mark) {
      element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?mark>/g, '');
      if (this.searchString.length) {
        element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace(

  _inputHandler() {
    console.warn('You can now directly call .search() to refresh the results');;

   * The current search input in lower case
   * @function inputString
   * @return {String} the input as a string
   * @throws {Error} If The current <code>input</code> is no <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> or <code>contenteditable</code>
   * @memberOf holmes
  inputString(): string {
    if (this.input instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
      return this.input.value.toLowerCase();
    if (this.input.isContentEditable) {
      return this.input.textContent.toLowerCase();
    throw new Error(errors.invalidInput);

   * Sets an input string
   * @function setInput
   * @param {string} value the string to set
   * @throws {Error} If The current <code>input</code> is no <code>&lt;input&gt;</code> or <code>contenteditable</code>
   * @memberOf holmes
  setInput(value: string) {
    if (this.input instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
      this.input.value = value;
    } else if (this.input.isContentEditable) {
      this.input.textContent = value;
    } else {
      throw new Error(errors.invalidInput);

   * Start an event listener with the specified options
   * @function start
   * @throws {Error} If a there was no options.find
   * @throws {Error} If the placeholder couldn't be inserted
   * @throws {Error} If the .input isn't valid
   * @memberOf holmes
  start() {
    const _input = document.querySelector(this.options.input);
    if (_input instanceof HTMLElement) {
      this.input = _input;
    } else {
      throw new Error(errors.noInput);

    if (typeof this.options.find === 'string') {
      this.elements = document.querySelectorAll(this.options.find);
    } else {
      throw new Error(errors.findOption);

     * Amount of elements to search
     * @member elementsLength
     * @type {Number}
     * @memberOf holmes
    this.elementsLength = this.elements.length;

     * All of the elements that are searched as an array
     * @member elementsArray
     * @type {Array}
     * @memberOf holmes
    this.elementsArray =;
    this.hidden = 0;

    // Create a container for a placeholder if needed
    if (typeof this.options.placeholder === 'string') {
      const holder: string = this.options.placeholder;
      this.placeholderNode = document.createElement('div'); = 'holmes-placeholder';
      this.placeholderNode.innerHTML = holder;
      if (this.elements[0].parentNode instanceof Element) {
      } else {
        throw new Error(errors.impossiblePlaceholder);

    // If a visible class is given, give it to everything
    if (this.options.class.visible) {
      const vis: string = this.options.class.visible;
      this.elementsArray.forEach((element: HTMLElement) => {

    // Listen for input

   * Remove the current event listener
   * @function stop
   * @see this.start
   * @return {Promise} resolves when the event is removed
   * @throws {Error} If the placeholder couldn't be removed because it has no parent
   * @memberOf holmes
  stop(): Promise<string | Error> {
    return new Promise((resolve: string => void, reject: Error => void) => {
      try {

        // Remove placeholderNode
        if (this.options.placeholder) {
          if (this.placeholderNode.parentNode) {
          } else {
            reject(new Error(errors.impossiblePlaceholder));

        // Remove marks
        if (this.options.mark) {
          this.elementsArray.forEach((element: HTMLElement) => {
            element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?mark>/g, '');

        // Done
        this.running = false;
        resolve('This instance of Holmes has been stopped.');
      } catch (err) {

   * Empty the search string programmatically.
   * This avoids having to send a new `input` event
   * @function clear
   * @memberOf holmes
  clear() {

    this.elementsArray.forEach((element: HTMLElement) => {

    if (this.options.placeholder) {

    this.hidden = 0;

   * Show the amount of elements, and those hidden and visible
   * @function count
   * @return {object} all matching elements, the amount of hidden and the amount of visible elements
   * @memberOf holmes
  count(): {all: number, hidden: number, visible: number} {
    return {
      all: this.elementsLength,
      hidden: this.hidden,
      visible: this.elementsLength - this.hidden

const holmes = toFactory(Holmes);

export default holmes;